3D Printed Native American Flute

Описание к видео 3D Printed Native American Flute

Мій варіант флейти народів Америки, надрукований на 3д принтері.

Native American Flute is an easy instrument to learn because it is tuned in the minor pentatonic scale. This means that all the notes you play will match the previous ones.
In the 5-note pentatonic scale, my flute has an extra note on the 4th hole.
When playing this hole should be kept closed, some musicians even cover it with a leather tape. The additional note is needed for some creative melodies.
The double flute differs from the regular flute by having an extra channel to play. In this part of the flute, the note is a constant F#. When you play two holes at once, you get a very beautiful sound, there is a bit of magic, as if 2 musicians are playing at the same time. The flute can be played in either 1 channel or 2 channels.

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