Transistor Amplifiers - Common-Emitter, -Collector, -Base, Voltage Gain, Input and Output Resistance

Описание к видео Transistor Amplifiers - Common-Emitter, -Collector, -Base, Voltage Gain, Input and Output Resistance

In this video we talk about the three basic transistor amplifier topologies. Based on the bipolar transistors these are the common-emitter, the common-collector and the common-base amplifier, named by the terminal, that is used neither as input nor output. For these topologies we state the voltage gain, the input and output resistance.

For MOSFETs the stages are named common-source, common-drain and common-base.

Tutor: Patrick Schrey

0:00 Introduction
0:14 Basic Transistor Amplifier Topologies for Bipolar Transistors
0:36 Basic Transistor Amplifier Topologies for MOSFETs
0:42 Derivation, Common-Emitter Example
1:12 Small-Signal Parameters and Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit
1:52 Common-Emitter Amplifier
2:06 Common-Collector Amplifier, Emitter Follower
2:17 Common-Base Amplifier
2:26 Summary

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