Ohora Stretchy Gel Nail Tutorial | KBEAUTYHOBBIT

Описание к видео Ohora Stretchy Gel Nail Tutorial | KBEAUTYHOBBIT

Welcome back to my channel. Today, I will show you a very detailed application for Ohora nails to ensure 2 weeks of wear.

UPDATE - new life changing ohora trick Life
   • Life Changing ohora Trick - Squish Li...  

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Contains affiliate links

Ohora USA (code LUCY): https://ohora.com?sca_ref=2743796.UYed2Q2atv
Also on Amazon: https://amzn.to/334MmGw
and Jolse: https://shrsl.com/3j6yt

How to remove:    • How to Remove Ohora, Dashing Diva Gla...  

Other tools:
Rubber tip cuticle pusher: https://amzn.to/3iimR7z
Metal cuticle pusher: https://amzn.to/3qpsaFq
Gelish fantastic four kit: https://amzn.to/3nKLYkz
UV gloves: https://amzn.to/3stIhDC
Alcohol prep pads: https://amzn.to/3nLqR1F

More nail videos
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Dashing diva removal:    • How to Remove Dashing Diva Gloss Stri...  
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Dashing diva glaze:    • Dashing Diva Glaze Semi-Cured Nail St...  

Affiliate discounts and specials
⇒ Credithink (amazon): Kbhobbit10 for a 10% off on anything sold by credithink https://amzn.to/3noddBB
⇒ YesStyle: Use reward code KBHOBBIT for extra savings on yesstyle https://ys.style/mNmFUSzagdb (must be signed in to an account, enter under Reward Code - works on top of other discounts)
⇒ Wishtrend 15% off with code LUCY15 https://www.wishtrend.com/?utm_source...
⇒ Keep Cool US: kbeautyhobbit25 for 25% on Keep Cool US site https://keepcoolus.com?sca_ref=659901.7tr9U40AgN
⇒ GlowieCo: kbhobbit10 for a 10% off on https://glowieco.com
⇒ Bemused Korea: KBHOBBIT for 10% off all regularly priced items on Bemused Korea (should be applied automatically if following this link) https://bemusedkorea.com/discount/kbh...
⇒ Bloop USA (nails): Kbhobbit on Bloop USA (gels and gel nail strips): https://bloopusa.com/?wpam_id=4

This post contains affiliate links, which means I make earn a small commission from your purchases. This is not a sponsored video - all opinions are my own.i


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