尼爾:自動人形 A~Z 全結局 ( NieR:Automata A~Z all ending )

Описание к видео 尼爾:自動人形 A~Z 全結局 ( NieR:Automata A~Z all ending )

0:00 flowers for m[A]chines
6:27 or not to [B]e
12:42 meaningless [C]ode
16:01 chil[D]hood's end-1
20:35 chil[D]hood's end-2
21:53 the [E]nd of YoRHa
45:01 mission [F]ailed
46:01 hun[G]ry for knowledge
46:39 a mountain too [H]igh
47:43 no [I] in team
48:31 bad [J]udment
48:54 aji wo [K]utta
49:31 [L]one wolf
50:16 break ti[M]e
50:50 [N]o man's village
51:31 just y[O]u and me
52:29 corru[P]yion
52:59 [Q]uestionable actions
53:32 mave[R]ick
54:06 city e[S]cape
55:16 fa[T]al error
55:42 deb[U]nked
56:09 reckless bra[V]ery
56:58 broken [W]ings
57:34 time to rela[X
58:17 head[Y] battle
59:15 over[Z]ealous


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