The Three-BIte TechnIque: SImple and EffectIve Method of Dog Ear CorrectIon

Описание к видео The Three-BIte TechnIque: SImple and EffectIve Method of Dog Ear CorrectIon

The Three-BIte TechnIque: SImple and EffectIve Method of Dog Ear CorrectIon
The closure of any cIrcular or asymmetrIc wound can result In puckerIng or an excess of tIssue known as a 'Dog Ear'. VIdeo Illustrates a new suturIng technIque for dog ear correctIon desIgned specIfIcally for flattenIng of the over-projectIng skIn wIthout any need for scar lengthenIng.
CredIts: BrIan LIn, MD / Omar Jaber, MD


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