Pulsar 23 & Jomox Alpha Base - Live Drum and Bass Jam Session

Описание к видео Pulsar 23 & Jomox Alpha Base - Live Drum and Bass Jam Session

I've been having much fun playing around with this beat for a while and finally decided to hit the record button. There are couple of noticeable bumps towards the end, but overall I think it turned out pretty good. I have to say, the faster the bpm, the harder it gets to make those quick decisions and keep things moving and evolving. Initially, I was planning to use just Pulsar 23 for this video, but then I realized that it would have been a lot harder to keep things interesting for the entirety of the track. So, I decided to throw Alpha Base into the mix, which I parallel-processed with a couple of Eurorack modules. At some point, I'll probably do a patch breakdown video and walk you guys through the entire patch. Drop me a comment if there's something specific you want to know.

Gear used:
@somasynths - Pulsar 23
Jomox - Alpha Base
@HologramElectronics - microcosm(FX send Reverb/Delay)
@walrusaudioeffects - Eons Pedal (Drum bus -Fuzz for extra crunch)
@ChaseBlissAudio - Mood Pedal (FX send Delay/Reverb)
@AllenandHeathUK - GL3300 Mixer
@ArturiaOfficial - Keystep Pro (Sequencer)
@QuBitElectronix - Prism & @NoiseEngineering - Seca Ruina (processing Jomox Alpha Base)

I did some EQ-ing and added compression to the master in the post to give it a final touch. Everything else is as you hear it coming from the mixer.

#pulsar23 #drumandbass #jomox


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