Femur Muscle Attachments Anatomy of Lower Limb Skeletal System Medical Student Lecture

Описание к видео Femur Muscle Attachments Anatomy of Lower Limb Skeletal System Medical Student Lecture

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Femur muscle attachments anatomy of lower limb skeletal system medical student lecture gives you an easy way to learn the terminology. Boost your medical education with sqadia.com.

Femur is the longest and strongest bone in the human body. It extends from the hip, down to the knee, making up the thigh region. It teams up with tibia and bones of the foot to help you fight against gravity, enabling you to stand and perform movements of your lower limb.

So, watch this fun lecture and maximize your learning!

Complete Video Collection: ▶️ https://www.sqadia.com/programs/femur

0:00 - Femur muscle attachments anatomy
0:26 - Femur bone proximal landmarks
0:39 - Femur bone proximal muscle attachments
2:06 - Femur bone shaft muscle attachments
2:46 - Femur bone distal muscle attachments
4:01 - Intercondylar fossa ligaments; ACL/PCL
4:53 - Summary/Overview
5:07 - Link to femur anatomy lecture on sqadia.com

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