The Precarious Boundary between Work and Play: A Guide for Employers | Free Webinar | Episode 2

Описание к видео The Precarious Boundary between Work and Play: A Guide for Employers | Free Webinar | Episode 2

The melding between home and office as places of work has added to the growing complexity of when work begins and ends, and the boundaries of behaviour in personal and working life. As 9-5 becomes increasingly irrelevant, this session will explore some of the key legal challenges and risks arising from work, play, social and sexual interactions, including:

What is an employer’s potential liability for the non-work conduct of its employees?
How far can an employer seek to regulate the private life of an employee?
Has the position changed as a result of increased work from home arrangements?
Should any boundaries be placed on employees meeting offsite? Is there a distinction whether it is work or after-work activities?
When do outside work friendships and relationships between colleagues’ matter? When is disclosure required and what prudent steps does an employer need to take?
Is a “bonk ban” a valid or legal option?
Social media policies and other methods of restricting employee activity and opinions – what is permissible and appropriate?

Presenter: Wendy Fauvel, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills, Brisbane


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