The Top Ten Historic Cities In The UK

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The Top Ten Historic Cities In The UK

The UK is rich with history. For many who travel to the UK, it’s the incredible history of the cities that intrigues them.

The origins of the United Kingdom can be traced to the time of the Anglo-Saxons and the history can still be seen now through the architecture, geography and iconic locations.

We've compiled a list of ten of the most historic cities in the UK.

Where are your favourite historic cities?

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10. York, North Yorkshire

9. Durham, County Durham

8. Salisbury, Wiltshire

7. Oxford, Oxfordshire

6. Canterbury, Kent

5. Lancaster, Lancashire

4. Carlisle, Cumbria

3. Chester, Cheshire

2. Edinburgh, Scotland

1. Bath, Somerset

All the images were attained by google image search with images tagged free to use and / or modify including for commercial use.


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