START WINNING in Auto Chess Mobile - Beginner Strategy - Part 1

Описание к видео START WINNING in Auto Chess Mobile - Beginner Strategy - Part 1

AutoChess is a famous game from Dragonest that started the new genre and has taken the world by storm.

Now there are more similar games popping up everywhere trying to copy the success of AutoChess - DOTA Underlords, League of Legends Teamfight Tactics, and soon even Hearthstone Battlegrounds!

This is the first video in the short series that teach absolute beginners how to start winning in AutoChess.

Winning is fun, losing is not fun. Lots of people try the game and learn as they go, but many of us could use simple tips and tricks that would help us enjoy the game more!

In this video, I'll introduce to you the "rule of doubles" that dominates the battlefield all the way to the Rank Knight 1, and sometimes even a little beyond that point.

Please enjoy and subscribe to the channel for more guides, strategies, tips, tricks, and news.


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