Dorian Pavus Romance (Dragon Age: Inquisition | Dalish Mage)

Описание к видео Dorian Pavus Romance (Dragon Age: Inquisition | Dalish Mage)

Happy birthday to me! Here's my video of Frenn Lavellan's romance with Dorian intertwined with the main story/plot! Scenes that specifically relate to Dorian's romantic relationship with Frenn are noted with an asterisk (*). It was so much fun to replay this game after 8 years!

0:00 »The Wrath of Heaven« (Introduction)
7:33 »The Threat Remains«
11:52 »In Hushed Whispers« (meeting Dorian) *
38:31 Getting to know Dorian *
56:23 »In Your Heart Shall Burn« (meeting Corypheus)
1:05:26 Journey to Skyhold

1:07:23 The Inquisitor
1:11:32 "I was distracted, that's all" *
1:14:18 Banter: Dorian + Varric
1:14:41 A letter about Felix *
1:16:30 Flirting with Dorian/Talk about Alexius *
1:18:47 Banter: Dorian + Varric
1:19:23 Interactions with Cassandra and Cullen
1:21:14 Alexius' fate/Alone time with Dorian *
1:22:39 Banter: Dorian + Cole + Cassandra

1:23:10 »Here Lies the Abyss«
1:36:25 Dorian's reaction to the Fade *
1:39:22 Banter: Dorian + Iron Bull
1:39:59 »Last Resort of Good Men« (meeting Dorian's father) *
1:49:29 First Kiss + Mother Giselle's reaction *
1:53:32 Banter: Dorian + Cole (about Dorian's father)
1:55:45 Talk about Tevinter
1:57:09 Banter: Dorian + Varric + Blackwall
1:58:12 A game of Wicked Grace
2:03:39 Banter: Dorian + Cole

2:05:16 »Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts« *
2:13:00 Banter: Dorian + Cole
2:14:01 »The Magister's Birthright« (retrieving the amulet) *
2:19:07 Banter: Dorian + Sera + Vivienne + Cassandra
2:21:40 Establishing a relationship with Dorian *
2:25:00 Banter: about Dorian/Frenn's relationship
2:26:24 Talk about "after" *

2:28:02 »What Pride Had Wrought«
2:35:08 The Well of Sorrows (Morrigan drinks)
2:42:59 Solas' reaction
2:44:35 Dorian's reaction/future plans *
2:46:15 »The Final Piece« (the truth about Mythal)
2:48:48 Banter: Dorian + Iron Bull + Cassandra
2:49:50 Judging Storvacker (bear puns)
2:51:05 Journey to the Deep Roads
2:52:26 The Nug King
2:54:28 Banter: Dorian + Vivienne + Solas

2:55:33 »Doom Upon All The World«
3:02:14 Returning to Skyhold
3:06:26 Speaking to Dorian
3:09:23 Epilogue: Solas + Mythal

TRESPASSER (2 years later)
3:10:30 Arriving at the Winter Palace
3:14:24 Reunited with Dorian *
3:20:10 The Exalted Council
3:22:05 Banter: Dorian + Iron Bull + Varric + Cassandra
3:26:11 "Romantic Homecoming" *
3:27:48 "I don't want to die"
3:30:56 Reactions to the Inquisitor's mark *
3:31:28 The mark's effects
3:34:41 Speaking to Solas/Fen'Harel
3:45:13 The fate of the Inquisition
3:49:00 Dorian's future *
3:50:07 Cassandra reads Varric's new book


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