Led Zeppelin When the Levee Breaks (music video)

Описание к видео Led Zeppelin When the Levee Breaks (music video)

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Led Zeppelin – When the Levee Breaks (music video)
Audio – “When the Levee Breaks”
Video – Live footage of Led Zeppelin from 1969 to 1980
Public domain footage of the Hindenburg disaster

I came up with the idea of using the footage of the Hindenburg disaster to frame a video for this song about 7 years ago and did a rough sketch of it. I also had included a bunch of old footage of the Mississippi floods to fill in the 7 plus minutes of this epic track, but was not happy with the end result so I put it aside. In the summer of 2019 I decided to go back and try to figure out how to work some live Zeppelin footage into the song. There is no footage of the band performing the song live (they only did it a handful of times at the beginning of the 1975 tour) so it was an arduous task trying to get things synched to look like they’re performing it. I had probably 20 hours of live Zep footage to pick through and look for good bits, then figure out where to put each piece, then try to synch it, then go back and try something else… it was very, very time consuming. In September of 2019 I finally was finished with the video which had the Mississippi flood footage, Hindenberg, and live Zep footage. I added a lot of filters and old film effects to make it all look old but kept the editing to simple cuts. I posted it on YouTube, but after watching it for a while I decided to take it down and make some revisions. I took out the Mississippi footage (about 1 minutes’ worth), removed some filters, and put in more live Zep footage. After quite a few more tweaks it was finally done.


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