Build review of AMT/ERTLS USS Enterprise D 1/1400 scale: Part 2 - Phaser Array.

Описание к видео Build review of AMT/ERTLS USS Enterprise D 1/1400 scale: Part 2 - Phaser Array.

Build review of my next project, the glorious Enterprise D! This time looking at proof of concept of the Arduino based phaser array firing sequence/effect - original source code provided by Jennifer Petkus.
- Added code to sketch to have Phaser sound effect playing in time with LEDs.

Sorry for the waffling and bad lighting in this video, I'll try to do better next time :-)

Aside from the usual kit building element I'll be introducing for the first time the use of Arduino to have this kit all singing and dancing and I'm learning Arduino for the first time.
Useful links for beginners to study Arduino:

YouTube channel: OstrichLongneck - playlist video series 'Arduino for starships'

Phaser array sketch code for experimenting: Virtualight/Jennifer Petkus (Simulating phaser fire with neopixels):


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