Migration and Inequality

Описание к видео Migration and Inequality

This video looks at how migration and inequality are related. It explains how inequality can affect migration but also how migration can affect inequality.

Who is a Migrant?
   • Who is a migrant?  
Why do People Migrate?
   • Why do people migrate? How do they de...  
Migration and Poverty
   • Migration and Poverty  
What are Remittances?
   • What are remittances? Understanding R...  

0:00 Introduction
0:18 Understanding Migration
0:47 Understanding Inequality
1:25 Inequality’s Effects on Migration
153 Migration’s Effects on Inequality

Czaika, M., 2013. Are unequal societies more migratory? Comp. Migr. Stud. 1, 97–122. https://doi.org/10.5117/CMS2013.1.CZAI
Czaika, M., de Haas, H., 2012. The Role of Internal and International Relative Deprivation in Global Migration. Oxf. Dev. Stud. 40, 423–442.
Kafle, K., Benfica, R., Winters, P., 2018. Does relative deprivation induce migration? Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa (No. 21 IFAD Research Series). IFAD.
Möllers, J., Meyer, W., 2014. The effects of migration on poverty and inequality in rural Kosovo. IZA J. Labor Dev. 3, 16. https://doi.org/10.1186/2193-9020-3-16
Stark, O., Taylor, J.E., 1991. Migration incentives, migration types: the role of relative deprivation. Econ. J. 101, 1163–1178.

Music by bensound.com
Animation by Kevin O’Dell, UNU-MERIT Researcher


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