Headline Humboldt - PhenomeCon Special with Dr. Travis Taylor

Описание к видео Headline Humboldt - PhenomeCon Special with Dr. Travis Taylor

KEET's James Faulk, host of Headline Humboldt, sits down with Dr. Travis Taylor at PhenomeCon 2022 in Vernal, Utah. Taylor was the former chief scientist for congressionally mandated UAP Task Force, which historically reported in 2021 that UAPs (formerly UFOs) do exist and remain a mystery whose frequency and proximity pose real danger to American military assets.

In this interview, Taylor describes his frustration with some in the media and elsewhere who seemingly have a vested interest in debunking the UFO phenomenon and attacking his scientific bona fides.

Taylor is also an investigative scientist on the hit History Channel reality show, The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. That parcel of property has become the center of attention in the last two decades as first the US government and now others have spent millions investigating phenomena there.

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