Buhay Probinsya #14 - Digging Wild Yam & Cooking Chicken Tinola|Negros Countryside

Описание к видео Buhay Probinsya #14 - Digging Wild Yam & Cooking Chicken Tinola|Negros Countryside

How are you my dear friends? I hope you all are doing okay. I dig wild yam from my aunts backyard and making it crispy fried wild yam and seasoned with sour cream.Since the climate is changing already few of us having flu so we decided to cook a savory chicken soup called "Tinola" a famous recipe in the Philippines.The next day we found a fallen banana tree with unready fruit sadly we cannot use that fruit for food coz it's still young, but we found banana heart so we made banana heart burger from it.I hope you enjoyed it.Thank You for Watching and I hope you will continue supporting us.God Speed mga ka-pobre


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