Should I Respond To My Ex During No Contact? Or Ignore Them?

Описание к видео Should I Respond To My Ex During No Contact? Or Ignore Them?

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In this video, Coach Lee discusses what to do when your ex reaches out during no contact.

Some coaches suggest that you should ignore your ex when you are in no contact after they broke up with you, but, as Coach Lee explains, you risk actually helping your ex to move on from you.

Think about it. If your ex reaches out to you and you ignore them, they will start to believe that you don't want to hear from them, that there's no chance of you taking them back, and that there's no point in them reaching out to you.

On top of that, your ex will likely feel foolish and silly reaching out to you again because it is like they are talking to a wall.

You aren't responsive, so why would they try it again? In most cases, they don't. That is, most of the time, your ex will stop reaching out to you if you ignore them and then you are in a difficult, tricky position.

From there, you will have fewer options to getting your ex back. If you are being told to ignore your ex during no contact, don't do it.

Doing so will kill the momentum of your ex missing you and wanting to feel your presence.

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