UA.II.A.K1d Drone Certification 2019 - Class E Airspaces & Transition Areas

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Sequence: NOOBS 28 of 82, Recertify 28 of 57
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UA.II.A.K1d Class E controlled airspace
Source [§107.51, §107.200, §107.205, AIM: 3-2-6, 3-2-6 3 & 5, PH: 15-2, CUG Airspace Section, AKTS]

Class E Airspace is controlled and regulated and typically does not have a control tower. Class E airspace over an airport is individually tailored. Class E airspace is individually tailored. A large amount of the airspace over the United States is designated as Class E airspace which provides sufficient airspace for the safe control and separation of aircraft during IFR operations. Class E airspace has 4 standard floors and 2 transition areas: Floors 1) Surface (SFC), 700 feet AGL, 1200 feet AGL, and finally 14,500 MSL. Transitions areas: 700 feet AGL transition to 1,200 feet AGL, 1200 feet AGL to higher altitude such as 14,500 feet MSL.

Class E airspace is represented as:
Surface (SFC) is a magenta segmented line.
700 feet AGL is the lighter side area inside a magenta vignette. This is usually around airport operations.
700 feet AGL transition to 1,200 feet AGL from the inside to the outside: magenta vignette (roughly 1.5 miles wide on a VFR Sectional Chart at a 1:500,000 scale). The lighter the color the lower the altitude. This airspace may be used for transitioning aircraft to/from the terminal or in route environment. The 700-foot/1200-foot AGL Class E airspace transition areas remain in effect continuously, regardless of airport operating hours or surface area status.
1,200 feet AGL is the darker side of a magenta vignette or the lighter side of a blue vignette. The vast majority of Class E floor is 1,200 AGL. Federal Airway routes are Class E airspace areas and, unless otherwise specified, extend upward from 1,200 feet AGL to 17,999 feet MSL, but not including, 18,000. 1,200 feet AGL to higher altitude such as 14,500 feet MSL, from the outside to the inside, is a blue vignette. The lighter the color of the vignette the lower the altitude, thus the 1,200 feet AGL is the lighter side of the blue vignette.
14,500 feet MSL is usually not represented on VFR Sectional Charts.

ATC clearance is required for Class E surface airspace DESIGNATED for an airport. This does not include Class E surface extensions.

No ATC clearance is required for surface extensions or other Class E areas that are not designated for an airport.

A CoW is require to operate above 400 ft AGL or over 400 ft above a structure §107.51
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