স্বাধীনতার নতুন গান l Aj Shovro Meghe Sadhinota l Prio Bangladesh l দেশের গান l Bahar Cultural Group

Описание к видео স্বাধীনতার নতুন গান l Aj Shovro Meghe Sadhinota l Prio Bangladesh l দেশের গান l Bahar Cultural Group

Song : Prio Bangladesh, Aj Shovro Meghe Shadhinota
Singer : Lulu, Saifullah, Anis, Razu, Zihad, Murshed, A Razzak & Masud
Lyric : Abu Sayadat Lulu
Tune : Al Mizan
Video, Edit & Colour Grading : Backscreen
Composer : Sarwer Limon
Gratitude : H.M. Abdullah Al Mamun
Presented by : Bahar Cultural Group

Assalamu Alaikum Oarahmatullah.
‘Bahar Cultural Group’ is a unique organization of Bangladesh in the practice of positive and elegant culture. This group was founded by singer Abu Sayadat Lulu. The main objective of this organization is to spread the genre of spiritual melody among all. If you like Bahar’s songs, you can also contribute to the development of Islamic culture by sharing and subscribing to the channel. May Allah Almighty grant us all the grace to be colored in His colors, Amin.

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Contact: 01716 851411 imo/WhatsApp : 01673475104

🔗 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
🔗 Youtube: 1. Bahar Cultural Group : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ94...
2. Bahar CG : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5qy...
🔗 Facebook Page :   / baharbyaslulu  

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