Sehat Talk with Isha Bhatia Sanan, S3, Ep11: Male vs Female Brain [ये प्यार कैसे होता है?]

Описание к видео Sehat Talk with Isha Bhatia Sanan, S3, Ep11: Male vs Female Brain [ये प्यार कैसे होता है?]

किसी से प्यार हो जाने पर आप उसके बारे में सोचना बंद ही नहीं कर पाते. आपको लगता है ऐसा उस इंसान की वजह से हो रहा है. लेकिन दरअसल ऐसा दिमाग में चल रहे केमिकल लोचे की वजह से हो रहा होता है. जब आपको किसी से प्यार होता है तो आपके दिमाग में हॉर्मोन्स का ऐसा खेल शुरू होता है जिस पर आपका कोई बस नहीं चलता.

सारे एपिसोड यहां देखें:    • Sehat Talk with Isha Bhatia Sanan, S3...  

There are different kinds of chemicals in our brains. Some are known as neurotransmitters, and they help us live our lives and do the things we want to do. Then there are hormones, which are part of the endocrine system: a group of glands, such as the thyroid but also the ovaries and testes. As in love itself — which you might call a union of two souls — hormones and neurotransmitters come together as a union of two systems: the endocrine and nervous systems. If you're wondering why you can't stop thinking about your new love, that's because of lower levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in your brain.
#dwhindi #dwhealth #sehattalk

In this video:
1:30 Pupils of our eyes dilate when we see someone we love.
1:45 How is oxytocin activated?
1:57 What hormones are responsible for happiness?
3:46 What is the difference between a male brain and a female brain?
4:35 Why do men understand directions better?
5:30 There is a difference between the brain of a male and a female.
5:52 What is the occipital lobe?
7:10 Women are more efficient than men at work.

आपको वीडियो पसंद आया तो हमें सब्सक्राइब करना मत भूलिए. ऐसे ही और दिलचस्प वीडियो देखने के लिए यहां भी आएं..
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