PostgreSQL at 10 TB and beyond

Описание к видео PostgreSQL at 10 TB and beyond

Earlier this week at Edument office in Malmö our colleague Chris Travers held a seminar discussing what happens when you manage over 10TB of data in PostgreSQL. Does it scale? What kinds of problems come up? How do you solve them?

You might think that relational databases don't scale that well but databases in this range are actually around. Come and hear about the problems we faced and how we solved them to create a system we estimated would have worked without further changes to nearly a hundred TB and manageable with minor changes into the hundreds of TB.

We discussed, in technical detail, problems we ran into due to the volume of information as well as processing throughput. Some of the difficulties we will talk about could occur in much smaller databases given certain access patterns.

Check out the courses about PostgreSQL with Chris here:


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