Rome Was Built in a Day - 24 Hour Challenge!

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Welcome to the Rome Was Built in a Day Challenge!
Playing Rome 1 Total War, I attempt to build the Roman Empire, in it’s exact borders -no more, no less, in just 24 hours of game time.
(12 Hours today, and the final 12 hours tomorrow, all streamed)

Must be exact borders going by the Barbarian Invasion Map (roughly). Reason I am not going for 117AD Peak is because I still want to struggle and have to defend large frontier regions (thought it added more flavour).
No cheesing (what I class as cheesing).
I am allowed as many breaks as I want, but the timer will keep running regardless.
Auto-Saving and Loading can only be used after auto-resolves.
If I finish the challenge early, the stream will end regardless of the time left.

Why OG Rome:
I put out a poll to see if people wanted OG or Remastered Rome 1 and the Remaster did win. However due to PC cooler problems, again, I am concerned that it may struggle to run the Remaster for that many hours non-stop. +It seems more fitting to go out where I began, so the OG became the only choice.
Sorry for anyone disappointed, but I could not risk my computer over it.

Enjoy :)
#TotalWar #Rome #Challenge


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