Gardeners' World 2024🍀Episode 5

Описание к видео Gardeners' World 2024🍀Episode 5

Gardeners' World 2024🍀Episode 5
With summer in mind, Monty plants up a seating area filled with night-scented plants and divides an agapanthus. He also plants an ornamental quince against an East facing wall, and sows squash for an autumn harvest.

Toby Buckland visits The Vann Garden in Surrey, designed by Gertrude Jekyll, a springtime botanical paradise.

Sue Kent is in her own garden in Swansea, as she makes a start on planting up her new hot border.

The programme explores the coastal garden of celebrated author Patrick Gale, and discover how he has transformed a farmyard into a writing oasis in Cornwall.

Plus an enthusiastic collector who can’t get enough of geums, a colourful and easy-to-grow perennial.

And there’s a chance to see another film sent in by viewers.


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