a Guide to Unholy Death Knight (voiced by David Attenborough)

Описание к видео a Guide to Unholy Death Knight (voiced by David Attenborough)

Join the legendary David Attenborough('s voice) in unraveling the complexities of being an Unholy Death Knight, from your rotation, to your pets and summons, to just overall tools that any good player should utilize.

Special thanks to ‪@Everness1‬ for allowing me to use their video footage
Thank you ‪@Afreemanornot‬ for voicing Bonegobbler
Thank you ‪@Opr_Boztrom‬ for sounding like a ghoul
Thank you Schweddl for helping me make fun of rets
Thank you Bouk for giving me permission to post on the server

Intro: 0:00
Rotation: 1:45
Gargoyle and Army: 4:22
Opener: 6:56
Weakauras: 7:28
Ghoul: 7:56
Helpful Resources: 10:36
Extra Tips: 12:42
Special Thanks: 14:52

Blight Club Discord: Discord.gg/worms
WoWhead link: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/c...
Weakauras: https://wago.io/wotlk-weakauras
Bouk's FAQ: https://boukx.github.io/dk/
WoWSims: https://wowsims.github.io/wotlk/
WoWSims Exporter: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons...
DK Analysis Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/de...
DK Analysis Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fire...
DK Analysis Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/a...
Phase 3 Unholy Pre-Bis: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/c...
Phase 4 Unholy Pre-Bis: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/c...
(use phase 4 instead of the phase 3 link, I'm including both anyway)

Music Used:
Grizzly Hills day:    • WotLK Grizzly Hills Day Music  
Acherus:    • Ebon Hold General Music  
Naxxramas Plague Quarter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v8=2TDw...
Eversong Dark:    • Eversong (Just Cello) Full Version - ...  
Treasure:    • Cataclysm Music - Treasure  
Ice Fortress:    • Music of Icecrown - Ice Fortress  
Pandaria Inn Music:    • Mists of Pandaria Inn Music (Kazoo Part)  

May Woims take the world.


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