Leading Youth Work

Описание к видео Leading Youth Work

We celebrated Youth Work Week 2023 with a special event with pioneering leaders in the youth work sector.

Sharon Lovell MBE (NYAS Cymru), Marco Gil-Cervantes (ProMo-Cymru) and Gethin Jones (Ceredigion County Council) shared their leadership journeys within the youth work sector.

The speakers shared their own personal stories, strategic approaches to developing leadership and how they support young people across Wales.
Hosted by Gavin Gibbs (Senior Youth Lead, Torfaen Youth Service), Paul Glaze (Chief Executive, CWVYS) and the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales.

Recorded on Monday 26 June 2023.
Arwain Gwaith Ieuenctid

Fe wnaethom ddathlu Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid 2023 gyda digwyddiad arbennig gydag arweinwyr arloesol yn y sector gwaith ieuenctid.

Rhannodd Sharon Lovell MBE (NYAS Cymru), Marco Gil-Cervantes (ProMo-Cymru) a Gethin Jones (Cyngor Sir Ceredigion) eu teithiau arweinyddiaeth o fewn y sector gwaith ieuenctid.

Rhannodd y siaradwyr eu straeon personol eu hunain, dulliau strategol o ddatblygu arweinyddiaeth a sut maent yn cefnogi pobl ifanc ledled Cymru.
Cynhelir gan Gavin Gibbs (Uwch Arweinydd Ieuenctid, Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Torfaen), Paul Glaze (Prif Weithredwr, CWVYS) a'r Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru.

Wedi'i recordio ar ddydd Llun 26 Mehefin 2023.

#LeadershipAcademy #AcademiArweinyddiaeth #NationalAcademyForEducationalLeadership #AcademiGenedlaetholArGyferArweinyddiaethAddysgol


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