What is Presbyopia - Presbyopia Symptoms and Presbyopia Treatment by Stasy Boksa - Rosin Eyecare

Описание к видео What is Presbyopia - Presbyopia Symptoms and Presbyopia Treatment by Stasy Boksa - Rosin Eyecare

Dr. Stacy Boksa at Rosin Eyecare - http://www.rosineyecare.com - answers a few questions about Presbyopia. What is Presbyopia? What are the symptoms of Presbyopia? What are the ways to treat it?

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Should you have presbyopia, there are options offered for presbyopia correction. Once presbyopia begins, it can't be reversed. As it develops, people find it difficult to complete tasks, such as reading, writing, using a mobile phone, using a computer and driving. To some degree, it can not be avoided or prevented. You might not have heard of the word presbyopia, but if you're age 40 or older, there's a big chance you've got or will become acquainted with it.

Your eye doctor is going to do an extremely thorough exam to determine what tests and corrective glasses will be necessary in order to fix your eyes vision.

Downtown Chicago eye doctors
Rosin Eyecare
645 N Michigan Ave #210, Chicago, IL 60611



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