Visit to the Philo Farnsworth Museum, the inventor of electronic television

Описание к видео Visit to the Philo Farnsworth Museum, the inventor of electronic television

In August of 2022, I was able to stop by the Philo Farnsworth Museum in Rigby ID. Philo was the inventor of electronic television and publically demonstrated his system five years before the RCA demonstration at the 1932 Worlds Fair in New York. Philo battled David Sarnoff, president of RCA over patent claims for years. Philo won, RCA was about ready to pay royalties, and then WWII broke out, and television was shut down during the war years. The patents expired and RCA was off and running building and selling television sets to the masses.

Philo did live to see the first moon landing televised from the moon.

I had a quick look at the displays in the museum.

Philo Farnsworth Forgotten Genius


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