FF7 Rebirth Legendary Bout Cait Sith vs The Abominable Guide (See Description for Details)

Описание к видео FF7 Rebirth Legendary Bout Cait Sith vs The Abominable Guide (See Description for Details)

This one I found pretty tough as I had never really used cait before but after a good number of attempts and materia tweaks I got it. Gear and materia setup at the end of the video.

Weapon : Crystal Megaphone

Armour: Cetran Bracer

Accessory : Gotterdamerung

Weapon Materia : Hp Up, Mp Up, Speed Up, Magic Up, Steadfast Block, Precision Defense.

Armour Materia : First Strike, Skill Master, Chakra, Atb Boost, Reraise, Time, Fire and Ice linked with MP Absorption.

Summon Materia : Gilgamesh

Weapon Skills : Magic Attack Power +20, Max Mp +3, Moogle Sentinel, Offensive MP Saver.

General tips : Remounting Fat Moogle can teleport him out of danger while also healing him. Try to always keep him summoned to tank for you.
Moogle Knuckle during stagger to raise stagger damage %.
Physical projectiles with Cait sith work the same way as Clouds.
Take it slow and steady Cait Sith is incredibly squishy.
Moogle Magic with Gilgamesh is good damage but consecutive usage raises cast time with the first cast being fairly quick.
Cast Reraise as a safety net especially in the last round if needed.
Round 1 Grangalan X3 : Limit Break then finish off however if any survive.

Round 2 Gi Duo : Limit Break Archer, he might move to the gi warrior and they might both die or be weak if not prioritize finishing off the archer first both are weak to fire.

Round 3 Reapertail: Start with Atb Boost, Let's Ride them dismount and cast haste. Let the Fat moogle take aggro, try to always have him summoned to tank for you and use physical projectiles to build atb. Weak to ice and using an ice spell will pressure. While pressured a single fire spell will flip it onto it's back. When staggered cst stop for more stagger damage time. Moogle knuckle to build stagger damage bonus and Limit Break for big damage. Rinse and repeat if necessary.

Round 4 Suevite Disgorgon : Start the same as the previous round. Atb, Summon Moogle, Haste, physical projectiles. Weak to Ice again. To pressure you need to break his jaw when he casts Petrifying Mist - 1 Blizzara will do the trick. Moogle knuckle when staggered followed by Limit Break or Ice spells.

Round 5 Mindflayer : Same start again, Atb, Summon, Haste and Projectiles. Moogle Mines will be go to for damage this round and Moogle Magic is good with Gilgamesh. First cast is fast and much slower on following casts. You can block the Telekinesis Boulder and then hide behind a rock to block the following attack. This is a good time to use Moogle Magic. Make sure to keep Haste active and Chakra when necessary. Keep medium distance and get away when he teleports and summons his double. The Eldritch attack is a run-ender so hopefully Fat Moogle is alive and takes the hit if not you will need to dodge it but it is awkward timing. Have Reraise active just in case. You could potentially manawall this attack.


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