Laut Loud (((~~~))) Monohero {S03E03}

Описание к видео Laut Loud (((~~~))) Monohero {S03E03}

For this third season of Laut Loud , the cultural sailing vessel Arka Kinari navigated the mangroves, muck, and megacities of Java’s northern coastline to find the most singular music. Thank you for sharing and subscribing.


Monohero bukan band yang terburu-buru. Trio asal Malang ini perlahan tumbuh menjadi salah satu grup psych paling ajaib se-Nusantara. Memadukan musik elektronik dengan proyeksi visual bergaya vintage nan futuristik, setiap penampilan mereka adalah perjalanan artistik yang megah dan menggugah.

Lalu ada vokal Arie W. Omen, yang banyak terinspirasi akarnya di Jawa Timur dan pengalamannya terhadap falsafah Jawa kuno. Kadang lembut memeluk nada, lain waktu hampir pecah buyar, gaya vokal Omen adalah cara modern melantunkan mantra Jawa — yang terlahir di bayang-bayang penyamarataan budaya, rubuhnya kampung yang diganti mall dan ditebangnya hutan untuk perumahan.

Monohero turun gunung untuk tampil di megalopolis Surabaya, di mana Arka Kinari dihimpit oleh kontainer di pelabuhan tersibuk Indonesia. Kontras dengan riuhnya suasana globalisasi di sekitarnya, musik Monohero adalah pengingat agar kita tidak melupakan hubungan kita dengan rumah, dari mana kita berasal, dan utang kita kepada para leluhur.

It's been a slow burn for Monohero. The trio from Malang has slowly staked their claim for being one of the country's most interesting psychedelic bands. Combining electronic music and vintage-futuristic projection art, their performances are an immersive and impressive artistic journey.

And then there's the not-small matter of Arie W. Omen's vocals, clearly inspired by his East Javanese roots and a deep dive into the region’s archaic philosophy. At times subtly straddling the melodies and other times almost fraying under the pressure, Omen’s vocals are a modern approach to Javanese mantras – born under the ominous creep of monoculture, as kampungs give way to shopping malls and forests are felled for suburbs.

Monohero came down from the mountain to perform on Arka Kinari near the megalopolis of Surabaya, where the ship was barricaded behind stacks of shipping containers at the country's busiest seaport. In contrast to the surrounding cacophony of globalization, Monohero’s music reminds us not to forget our relationship to our homes, and our debts to our ancestors, before we forget where we came from.


LAUT LOUD is a series of online concerts aboard the cultural sailing vessel Arka Kinari. On each sailing season, the crew collaborates with local musicians and filmmakers to archive underground, avant-garde, and traditional sounds from barely charted ports around Indonesia.

ARKA KINARI is a floating cultural platform to sound the alarm on climate change and build networks of resilience in coastal communities. Traveling by sail and powered by renewable energy, it is both method and message. Laut Loud Season three was made possible with the support of Liminous Foundation.

In ports Arka Kinari transforms into a stage for a bespoke audiovisual performance by the artists Filastine & Nova, as well as hosting workshops, talks, and concerts by local musicians. Arka Kinari has sailed over thirty thousand nautical miles, stopped in twenty-three nations, and is currently touring her home waters of the Indonesian archipelago.

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