The Truth About The Buffalo Soldiers

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“Buffalo soldier, dreadlock Rasta,” are the opening lyrics to one of reggae superstar Bob Marley’s biggest hits song, “Buffalo Soldier.” The catchy reggae tune is actually about one of the most decorated soldiers in American military history.

Buffalo soldiers were African American soldiers who served on the western frontier after the American Civil War. Their main objective was to help control Native Americans in the plains and protect settlers, stagecoaches, wagon trails, and railroad crews in the western front. The history of the Buffalo soldiers was subdued for a long time because of racism, so here are more facts and truths about the Buffalo soldiers. “If you know your history then you would know where you coming from.”

#BuffaloSoldiers #History #Military

In the beginning… | 0:00
Noble men, not noble work | 1:23
What's in a name? | 2:29
Racism from their own government | 3:30
More disciplined than white regiments | 4:39
They received medals of honor | 5:56
Henry O. Flipper | 7:02
America's first park rangers | 8:10
Most gallant and soldierly | 9:25
World War 1 and Buffalo Soldiers | 10:29
World War 2 and Buffalo Soldiers | 11:31
End of the Buffalo Soldiers | 12:33
Buffalo soldiers - Not just men | 13:45
The last Buffalo Soldier | 15:07

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