Horrid Henry Perfect Peter's Horrid Day (Impressions by Emily Rose)

Описание к видео Horrid Henry Perfect Peter's Horrid Day (Impressions by Emily Rose)

Peter feels like he is the odd one out. So he is trying to be the same as Henry.
HENRY: Bleurgh!
MUM: Henry, eat your soup properly.
PETER: I'M eating my soup properly!
DAD: Henry, use your spoon!
PETER: I'M using my spoon.
HENRY: Uhh....Atcheuch!
PETER: Mum....
MUM: Don't be horrid, Henry! Look at the mess!
HENRY: Ha-ha-ha-ha!
PETER: I didn't make a mess, Mum. Ow!
DAD: Henry, stop throwing food!
MUM: Why can't we just have a normal Sunday dinner?
DAD: This IS a normal Sunday dinner.
PETER: I'M being normal.
MUM: Henry-y-y-y!
PETER: It doesn't matter how perfect I am. Nobody notices. But everyone notices how horrid Henry is. It's not fair! What if I were horrid? Yes! Tomorrow, I'm going to be like Henry! I'm going to be HORRID!
MUM: Everyone up! This house is a mess! Great Aunt Greta is coming to tea! I want you all on your best behaviour!
HENRY: Great Aunt Greta?! Ew! She thinks I'm a girl!
BAD PETER: Come on, Peter. Here's your chance to be horrid.
GOOD PETER: No, Peter. You were born to be good.
BAD PETER: Get lost, you! Come on, Peter. Do your worst.
PETER: Oooh. I'm not going to fold my pyjamas and I'm not going to make my bed, either. That's really horrid! And this is even worse!
MUM: Peter? What's this?
PETER: I know...I know...
MUM: Oh, clever you to remember it's wash day!


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