Elite Dangerous - Diamondback Explorer Interiors Boxed Edition

Описание к видео Elite Dangerous - Diamondback Explorer Interiors Boxed Edition

1. For more information on modules and modularity concepts - please watch this great video:    • Modularity: ED Part 01  
I used it as my inspiration, and decided to go one step further and use actual in-game ship models, to get as accurate as possible.

2. Here is a link to my module size spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...
This is my internal document, I didn't intend to make it public, so I provide it 'as is'.

3. When placing and sizing the modules I was following the following rules:
There are 5 different module size categories:
O optional
S core small (life support, power distributor, sensors, optional restricted)
L core large (power plant, thrusters, FSD)
H hatches (bays)
For thrusters it looks like FDEV takes 2 one-size-smaller thrusters together to make one larger thruster module
Optional modules need to have 100% of their volume unobstructed by other modules or structure, because they house universal components.
Core modules do not need to have 100% of their volume unobstructed because they usually don't occupy all the available space and their mounting can be 'tailor made' to fit.
But whenever possible I try to go for highest available volume.
Fuel tanks need to be able to contain liquid hydrogen at 70.8kg/cubic meter. This allows to calculate fuel tank volume based on specified capacity.
Optional components need to have direct access to the cargo bay, so that cargo and SRVs can be transfered in and out of the ship.
Whenever possible I try to take into account external hull design - doors, hatches, vents, windows, etc.
Once all the modules are in place - the remaining space is allocated for thermal core, crew compartments and ship's structural frame.

4. Because of the above rules, I decided to skip the middle thruster and put FSD in its place. This allows to have reasonable amount of room for cargo lift and crew quarters.
For comparison I also added the 3-thruster build at the end. I imagine this is most likely what FDEV had in mind for this ship. But again - my priority is on making functional interior first.

Thompson&Kuhl - Heisse Luft
License: CreativeCommons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


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