In this video i take you along with me on a 4 hour drive for the spark app the delivery app for WalMart i made $118.00 in 4 hours which breaks down to $29.00 an hour viw the video to see what orders i did along the way & hear about the downsides of driving for spark.
Sign up to be a Spark driver at the link here: Once approved, install the Spark Driver app and complete the in-app setup using my referral code “DSGTD4TU” so that we can both earn an incentive once you complete enough Spark trips! Note: incentive details will be shared with you within 1 day of finishing app setup. See list of eligible Referral zones:
Sign up to webull & deposit $500.00 for possible rewards
If you have any videos suggestions,Ideas,questions,concerns or any comment please feel free to let me know in the comment section below this video i do my best to read and reply to every comment i get!
This channel is built on the faith & This portion of the description is decanted to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
John-3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
1-Corinthians-9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run,but only one receives the prize?So run that you may obtain it.
God i thank you for allowing me to produce this content & i ask you bless those who watch it with freedom & peace God bless over this video with success & with prosperity allow those who see this video to know your name & the peace & love you provide in Jesus name AMEN
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Nothing you seen in this video was financial advice i only stated my opinion in this video please do your own research & I encourage seeking professional advice before making any decisions regarding YOUR personal finances.
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Some of the links and other products that appear in the description or video are from companies which Dalton Ray will earn an affiliate commission from some of these offers may no longer be available and this is not investment or financial advice.
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