NCERT Class 10 Science Chapter 9: Hereditary and Evolution (Dr. Manishika) | English | CBSE

Описание к видео NCERT Class 10 Science Chapter 9: Hereditary and Evolution (Dr. Manishika) | English | CBSE

Dr. Manishika Jain explains NCERT Class 10 Science
15: Our Environment



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Unified Council NSTSE Class 10 Preparation -

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Brain Teasers
Zygote with X Chromosome inherited from father would turn to
What is homologous and analogous
What is monohybrid and dihybrid
Recessive and dominant gene
P, F1 and F2 Generation
Why did Mendel choose pea plant for his experiments?

Mendel’s Contribution – sc and maths at Vienna University but failed and went to monastery and started growing peas - was the first one to keep count of individuals exhibiting a particular trait in each generation and come with laws of inheritance
Inheritance – both by paternal and maternal DNA
Peas criteria - round/wrinkled seeds, tall/short plants, white/violet flowers
Why pea was choosen? Easy to grow; Short life span; Easily distinguishable characters; Larger size of flower and Self pollinated
F1 (tall and short) – All Tall here (TTxtt gave tt) – only tallness is expressed
F2 (self pollination) – (TtxTt gave TT, Tt, Tt and tt) – 1/4th are short – ratio 1:2:1 (genotype) and 3:1 (phenotype)
Traits like ‘T’ are called dominant traits, while those that behave like ‘t’ are called recessive traits
Dihybrid Cross: Tallness and round seeds are thus dominant traits- 9:3:3:1 – expression of genes (phenotype)
1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1 (genotype cross)
Monhybrid and Dihybrid cross – Punnett Square
F1 generation: The first filial generation; offspring of the P generation.
F2 generation: The second filial generation; offspring of the F1 generation.
law of segregation: Mendel’s first law of inheritance; states that the two factors controlling a characteristics separate during gamete formation. These factors separate and go to different gametes when a parent reproduces.
P generation: The parent generation; parent plants in genetic crosses.

#PGeneration #F1Generation #F2Generation #Mendel #Darwin #PeaPlant

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Hereditary & Evolution @0:11
Contribution of Mendel @0:48
Accumulation of Variations @1:05
Hereditary @3:29
Cross Pollination & Self Pollination @4:41
P Generation @5:58
F1 Generation @6:03
F2 Generation @8:04
Dihybrid Cross @9:39
Law of Segregation @14:09
Inherited Traits & Acquired Traits @14:42
Mechanism of Inheritance @15:00
Expression of Traits @16:16
Sex Determination @17:53
Evolution @18:47
Inherited Trait & Acquired Traits @23:16
Organic of Life @26:52
Darwin s Theory @26:59
Stanicy L. Miller and Harold C. Urey @27:29
Speciation @28:21
Organism @30:59
Fossils & Their Age @32:51
Evolution by Stages @34:45
Evolution Not Equated by Progress @36:54
Human Evolution @38:11
Basic Principle of Genetics @38:49
#Speciation #Survival #Chromosome #Mechanism #Segregation #Pollination #Earlobe #Accumulation #Contribution #Evolution #Manishika #Examrace #examrace #upsc #ugcnet


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