
Описание к видео #104

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The analog accuracy and sensitivity of the standard Uno / Nano pins is about 5mv per 'step' that we can read from executing an AnalogRead. Fine for many purposes but not so great if you're trying to measure at sub-millivolt levels. And if you have an ESP8266 with just one input, or a Raspberry Pi with no analog pins at all this could be the answer you're looking for.

Enter the ADS1115 analog-to-digital I2C converter with a maximum resolution of 0.184mV per 'step', although as this device has a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) on board it's easy to change that.

Nothing is perfect, though, so watch the video for some gotchas and coding techniques we can use to maximize the usefulness of this I2C (two-wire) device.

Sketch used in the demo (including the averaging function) is in the Github.

Where I bought my ADS1115 ADC

Adafruit do a library and everything! Not used in this demo but doubtless worth a look.

Datasheet is in the GitHub, worth reading the bit about registers.


Информация по комментариям в разработке