David Park 大衛·柏加 (1911-1960) Neo-Expressionism American

Описание к видео David Park 大衛·柏加 (1911-1960) Neo-Expressionism American

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David Park (March 17, 1911 – September 20, 1960) was a painter and a pioneer of the Bay Area Figurative School of painting during the 1950s.
David Park was part of the post-World War II alumni of the San Francisco Art Institute which was called the California School of Fine Arts (CSFA) at the time. He revived an interest in figurative art, at first experimenting with still-abstracted forms that relied on color for their impact, dynamics and warmth. Park, along with Richard Diebenkorn and Elmer Bischoff, broke away from the philosophy of painting promoted by Clyfford Still, who taught at the Institute, forming what would later be called the Bay Area Figurative Movement. Their influence may be seen in the work of later Bay Area Figurative School artists such as Paul John Wonner, Nathan Oliveira, Manuel Neri, Henry Villierme and Joan Brown.
Although these painters started out painting in what was called an objective style, deploying abstract shapes in large space, they soon migrated to using the physical world and representative subjects to experiment with shape, color, texture and temperature in their painting. Park realized that concentrating on principle and abstraction drew attention to the painter rather than the painting. He felt that it was important to focus on the present, to develop responses to nature. "I believe that we are living at a time that overemphasizes the need of newness, of furthering concepts".
Park worked with figurative painting from about 1950 until about 1959 when he became ill with cancer. Usually working from memory, he initially painted what he saw: kids playing in the street, musicians, his friends, people in their houses. Toward the end of the decade he painted classical studio nudes and bathers in a monumental style. After he became too ill to work with oils, he continued working with watercolors which he produced until his early death in 1960, at the age of 49, of cancer. Tragically, he was painting his best works in the final years of his life and career.
He had a retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, 1988–1989.
Park's Standing Male Nude in the Shower, painted between 1955 and 1957, sold for $1,160,000 at Sotheby's New York on May 15, 2007.
大衛·柏加(1911年3月17日 - 1960年9月20日)是一位畫家和繪畫的灣區具象學校的20世紀50年代的先鋒。
雖然這些畫家開始了在什麼是所謂的客觀的風格,部署在大空間抽象的形狀畫,他們很快遷移到使用物理世界和代表性受試者形狀,顏色,質地和溫度在他們的繪畫實驗。公園意識到,專注於原則和抽象提請注意畫家,而不是畫。他認為必須著眼當前,發展到​​自然的反應是很重要的。 “我相信,我們生活在這個過分強調進一步概念新奇的需要,一時間”。
他曾在美國藝術在紐約市,1988 - 1989年的惠特尼美術館回顧展。
公園常設的男性裸體洗澡的時候,畫在1955年和1957年之間,成交價為$ 1,160,000,在蘇富比紐約2007年5月15日。


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