AME 2 Second Lean Tour: Lumen Electronics

Описание к видео AME 2 Second Lean Tour: Lumen Electronics

Your 8 Wastes may not be Toyota's

Take a virtual tour of Lumen Electronics and experience the company’s 2 Second Lean philosophy first hand. You’ll experience 2 Second Lean for product development and the quality lever concept. You’ll see how Lumens’ 8 wastes differ from Toyota’s and how Lumen uses standard operating procedures — a lean process to easily develop, manage and deploy at scale without additional resources.

This tour is part of the Association for Manufacturing Excellence's 2 Second Lean Tour series hosted by Paul Akers, author of the book 2 Second Lean and owner of FastCap. See previous tour recordings at    • 2 Second Lean  

Visit for information about 2 Second Lean and upcoming 2 Second Lean tours.

#leanmanufacturing #2SecondLean #2SL #PaulAkers #manufacturing #lean #leanleadership #continuousimprovement #leanmanagement #AME #leantools #lumen #lumenelectronics #8Wastes


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