Kanji - Numbers (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10): Learn Kanji - free online Japanese Language study

Описание к видео Kanji - Numbers (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10): Learn Kanji - free online Japanese Language study

Here is the link to the Learn Kanji Website: http://www.kanjivideos.com/
Practicing numbers is a great way to start learning how to write beginner kanji. In this video you can Numbers 1 through 10 are a great place to start learning how to write beginner kanji.

Click these links for more details about numbers
一 - one (一), lifetime (一生), one person (一人), one (一つ):    • Learn Kanji 一 - 1 (一), lifetime (一生),...  

二 - two (二), two persons (二人), two (二つ):    • Learn Kanji 二 - 2 (二), two persons (二...  

三 - three (三), three days (三日), crescent moon (三日月), three (三つ):    • Kanji 三 - 3 (三), three days (三日), cre...  

四 - four (四), four people (四人), four days (四日), four (四つ), April (四月):    • Видео  

五 - five (五), five days (五日), five (五つ):    • Kanji 五 - 5 (五), five days (五日), five...  

六 - six (六), six days (六日), six (六つ):    • Kanji 六 - 6 (六), six days (六日), six (...  

七 - seven (七), seven (七つ), seven days (七日), July (七月):    • Kanji 七 - 7 (七), seven (七つ), seven da...  

八 - eight (八), eight (八つ) eight days (八日), vegetable grocer (八百屋):    • Kanji 八 - 8 (八), eight (八つ) eight day...  

九 - nine (九), multiplication table (九九), nine days (九日), nine (九つ):    • Kanji 九 - 9 (九), multiplication table...  

十 - ten (十), Almost (十中八九), ten days (十日), different strokes for different folks (十人十色):    • Kanji 十 - 10 (十), Almost (十中八九), ten ...  

百 - hundred (百):    • Kanji 百 - 100 (百): Learn Kanji  - fre...  

千 - thousand (千), variety of flowering plants (千草):    • Learn Kanji 千 - 1000 (千), variety of ...  

If you want to learn Numbers (11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20):    • Learn Kanji - Numbers 11 - 20 (11 12 ...  
If you want to learn Numbers (10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100):    • Learn Kanji - Numbers 10 - 100 (10 20...  

Learn Kanji makes learning Japanese fast and easy!
Learn Kanji is a collection of free online Japanese lessons for beginners. If you want to study Japanese by yourself, Learn Kanji might be able to help you!
You can watch most videos in around one minute. You'll see how to write Japanese, hear how to pronounce Japanese, read phonetically in hiragana and romaji, and learn the meaning of Japanese with English translation.

If you want to learn hiragana:    • Hiragana - a i u e o (あいうえお): Learn K...  

If you want to learn katakana:    • Katakana - a i u e o (アイウエオ): Learn K...  

Twitter: @kanjivideos
Facebook:   / learn-kanji-1049666608407649  

Happy Studying! :)


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