Internet addiction: Is it all in your brain?

Описание к видео Internet addiction: Is it all in your brain?

This video looks at the negative effects of internet addiction and how cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is used to treat it. CBT focuses on getting rid of bad habits and replacing them with alternative behaviours that are more healthy. Addiction is a complex problem that affects many people around the world. Addiction isn’t limited to substance abuse such as drug and alcohol abuse. It also includes behaviours such as internet addiction. Addiction makes someone unable to stop doing something, even though it causes them mental or physical harm.

This video was made by McMaster Demystifying Medicine students Ezza Jalil, Maryam Heba, Shaheer Jah, and Shaya Zhang.

Copyright McMaster University 2019


“American Psychiatric Association- What Is Addiction?”. (2017). Retrieved from

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