granny square pants tutorial - easy and beginner friendly

Описание к видео granny square pants tutorial - easy and beginner friendly

Hi friends!! Today I’m showing you how to easily assemble granny square pants! These pants are an ICONIC, 70s style statement piece for your wardrobe. I have wanted to make them for ages now and I finally just sat down, crocheted the granny squares, and figured out how to easily assemble them. I also decided to film the process for you guys, my incredible friends, so you can learn how to make them for yourself!! And I can’t wait for us all to be strutting around in the literal cutest pants EVER. ☮️🌈🍄✨🌿
Thank you guys for watching, love you all so much!! :)

(for updates on his handmade crochet blocking boards, go to my husband’s Etsy, JandHCarpentry 💫🍄)


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