തുടക്കക്കാർക്ക് പറ്റിയ അടിപൊളി തയ്യൽ മെഷീൻ Usha Janome Wonder Stitch Unboxing and Demo Malayalam...

Описание к видео തുടക്കക്കാർക്ക് പറ്റിയ അടിപൊളി തയ്യൽ മെഷീൻ Usha Janome Wonder Stitch Unboxing and Demo Malayalam...

Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Too6VP

This video includes a detailed review of Usha Janome Wonderstitch sewing machine... It's the best recommended machine for beginers, as it has simple optins and easy to use... It gives a view of all parts of the machine.... Usha janome wonderstitch is a magical machine as it has lots of optional accessories.... These accessories provide a wide variety of stitching patterns.... It is easy to carry and keep... Less space is needed for occupying... weight is around 6kg... Not heavy.... Looks elegant...

Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Too6VP


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