Export Revit to PDF

Описание к видео Export Revit to PDF

Exports all sheets that contain at least one viewport to PDF format in the same folder as the model and with the default export configuration, with the sheet number by name.

Exports the current view (View, legend or sheet) to PDF format in the same model folder and with the default export configuration, in the case of a sheet it will take the sheet number by name, in other cases the name of the view or legend.

Exports the views (View, legend or plan) preselected in the project browser to PDF format in the same model folder and with the default export configuration, in the case of a sheet it will take the sheet number by name, in other cases the name of the view or legend.

Exports the sheet number entered in the interactive window, more than one sheet can be exported at a time, separating them by a comma just after the entered sheet number. They are exported to PDF format in the same folder as the model and with the default export configuration, with the sheet number by name.

Export the sheet(s) that are within the name of the collection entered in the interactive window; more than one collection can be exported at a time, separating them by a comma just after the name of the entered collection. It is exported to PDF format in the same folder as the model and with the default export configuration, with the sheet number by name.

#revit #dynamo #python #pandas #automatizacion #csharp


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