Significance of basal dose of phosphatic fertilizers (DAP, Nitrophos, MAP, SSP) in wheat cultivation

Описание к видео Significance of basal dose of phosphatic fertilizers (DAP, Nitrophos, MAP, SSP) in wheat cultivation

In this video, I will try to describe the importance of phosphorus or phosphatic fertilizers as basal dose in wheat crop.
Phosphorus plays a vital role in plant roots development, stem elongation and grains filling. Phosphatic fertilizers or sources available in market are;
1) Di ammonium phosphate or DAP
2) Nitrophos or NP
3) single Super Phosphate or SSP
4) Mono ammonium phosphate or MAP
Phosphatic fertilizers are necessary to apply at land preparation or seeding time as it causes healthy wheat plants stand at early stages of development.
#phosphorus #phosphaticfertilizers #DAP #MAP #SSP #np #wheatfertilizer #abidaliagrarian


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