Lecture 22: Lookup table based systematic design of analog circuits (gm/Id based design)

Описание к видео Lecture 22: Lookup table based systematic design of analog circuits (gm/Id based design)

Instructor: R. S. Ashwin Kumar (https://home.iitk.ac.in/~ashwinrs/)
Full playlist:    • EE 613A: High-frequency analog circui...  
Course homepage: https://home.iitk.ac.in/~ashwinrs/202...

Video description:
In this lecture, the technique of sizing transistors using pre-computed lookup tables saving width-independent parameters like gm/Id, Id/W, fT, gm/W, gm/gds, etc., is discussed in detail. An example common-source amplifier design is demonstrated following this technique in LTSpice.


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