Описание к видео SPIRITUAL MEANING OF SHOE DREAM - Evangelist Joshua TV

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Shoes are mentioned very often in the Bible and usually symbolizes our direction and marriage. In Song-of-Solomon 7:1, How beautiful are thy feet with shoes..'' Shoe is part of our identity and is often connected to our beauty, spiritual growth and acceptability in the society. In some dreams, shoes point out to what direction you are taking in your attitudes, or in your work with God. Generally, shoe dream is an indication of marriage. In the word of God, shoe dream symbolizes the state of obedience to God's instruction and warnings.

For example, If you dream of seeing two beautiful piece of shoes, it is a sign of marital blessing and prosperity. Sometimes you can have this dream if you are constantly attracted to people who are already married or in a committed relationship. On the other hand, if you dream of wearing other people's shoes, it therefore means that the problem such person is facing you will have a share of it and that can scatter things.

This dream can also indicate being the cause for the problems in your relationship or your marriage. It can also be dreamed if you are not faithful to your partner or spouse.

Dreaming about wearing good shoes,

1. It indicates your desire for a happy marriage.
2. It indicates you are matured for marriage and taking responsibilities.
3. It indicates boosting your statues and link you to important people.
4. It represents divine freedom from satanic bondage of poverty.
5. It indicates the season of your favour and possibilities have come.
6. If you are a married woman, dreaming about wearing good shoes, it indicates your husband will suddenly have deep emotion for you.

If you are wearing bad shoes or slippers in the dream, it indicates the following:

1. Poverty and suffering.
2. Rejection and hatred.
3. Unable to have a stable relationship/marriage.
4. Curses of demotion and demonic covenant.
5. Loss of direction and focus.
6. Investing and not reaping it.
7. Spending money lavishly.
8. Diverted and exchange of destiny.
9. Stagnancy and limitation.
10. Sickness and memory loss.


1. If you dream of wearing inappropriate shoes, it indicates making mistakes in your marriage or relationship. It can also symbolizes the agenda of ancestral powers against your movement.
2. If you dream not been able to find your shoes, it indicates the loss of something important in your life. It could be the loss of your happiness in marriage, career.
3. If you dream where one pair of shoe is missing, it indicates witchcraft manipulation. This type of dream can expose you to sickness, backwardness and death. It is also telling you that the person hindering your glory is actually a close person.
4. If you are buying shoes in the dream, it indicates success in your marriage, business. If you are woman, dreaming about buying shoes, it means your marriage will come to pass.
5. If you dream of a person wore your shoes, it symbolizes the enemy is using your marital glory and can easily lead to transfer of virtues between each other.
6. If you dream of walking about without shoes or slippers on your head, this represents wandering spirit, which can be an avenue of a person operating under a marine curse.
7. If you dream that a person poured charm on your shoes, it shows that the enemy is putting your destiny in troubles and calamity.
8. If you wore a high heel shoes in the dream, it shows that your relationship is not stable.
9. If you dream where you forget to wear your shoes, it indicates shame and disgrace.
10. If you dream where your shoes are dirty, seen with holes, it indicates struggle and poverty.


1. Anyone that is using my shoe of destiny to plant setbacks into my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every demonic shoe maker, on assignment to divert the virtues of my shoe, wither and perish by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3. Any shoes that I have wore in the past that does not belong to me and that is affecting my life, I reject you by fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. Over seize shoes of the ancestral powers in my possession, disappear by fire and return no more, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every shoe of backwardness that is diverting my steps in life, burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
6. Every demonic shoe that does not want me to have a peaceful home, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every power that wants my shoe to be out of date, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
8. Any power that has projected the spirit of poverty and struggle into my destiny shoes, expire, in Jesus name.
9. All my stolen shoes, wherever you are, I call you forth, arise and locate me, in the name of Jesus.
10. My Father, locate the demons that stole one part of my shoes and expose them by fire, in the name of Jesus.

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