A brief history of rhyme | Baba Brinkman | TEDxNavesink

Описание к видео A brief history of rhyme | Baba Brinkman | TEDxNavesink

In this talk, rap artist Baba Brinkman demonstrates that rap music isn't just music, it's also an innovative poetry form rich in linguistic playfulness. In the same way Shakespeare was a lyrical entertainer of the past, Brinkman believes that "rappers are the main lyrical entertainers of the present." Rap is simply a modern, innovative, and playful form of poetry—a contemporary style of a timeless art form.

In this entertaining talk, with examples spanning Eminem and Jay-Z to Chaucer and Lord Byron, you will learn how the techniques used rappers for crafting memorable rhymes have ancient antecedents.

Find more great content at http://TEDxNavesink.com

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