Why Russia’s Tank LOSSES Just Escalated Dramatically

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One of Russia's biggest problems in the face of the invasion of Ukraine is the lack of main battle tanks, which are essential for frontline and trench warfare.
The intensification of frontline battles, especially in the Kursk Oblast with North Korean and Russian troops on the same side, has intensified the importance of the aging T-64, T-84 and Oplot-M and more Western main battle tanks used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Powerful tanks like the M1 Abrams, Leopard, Challenger and STRV 122 were able to overwhelm the Russian army's tanks.
The independent Netherlands-based Oryx reports that 3569 tanks belonging to the Russian army have been out of action since the beginning of the war.
Of these, 2502 have been destroyed, 158 damaged, 376 abandoned and 533 captured.
Among the Russian tanks destroyed were the T-54, T-62, T-62, T-64, T-72A and Ural, different variants of the T-80 and T-90 models, and 462 tanks of unknown types.
It is stated that a significant number of Russian tanks were destroyed by Western main battle tanks in the inventory of the Ukrainian army.
According to the analysis, Western allies have promised Ukraine more than 800 tanks since 2022, most of which have been delivered.
The fact that such a large number of Western tanks took out 3569 Russian tanks is seen as an incredible achievement.
But why were the famous Russian tanks so helpless against western tanks?


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