Soul Calibur VI Ranked Match - ooooPHOENIXoooo vs. (Negative 02565)

Описание к видео Soul Calibur VI Ranked Match - ooooPHOENIXoooo vs. (Negative 02565)

This sick troll has literally been playing and stalking me for years. When I block him he makes new accounts and profiles to chase after me again and again and again. I believe this to be my former nemesis but I don’t want to give him any spotlight. No one else is as obsessive as him at wanting to play me and stalk me over and over again.

I know all of this because of his fighting patterns, just as he predicts literally everything I do. No one new to the game or new to playing me can do that. Only a troll who’s been playing me for years and watches all my videos does that.

You’ll notice in this match he predicts almost all my moves, so I had to just play outta pocket and do random shit to through him off, and it worked. What’s maddening is that he would then go and say: “oh you have no skill and combos..” when he knows damn well he already knows all of combos in the book.

SMH, get a life dude.. This is why I stopped playing Soul Calibur. This dude is single handedly trying to keep my score down in this game for years with this behavior…


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