SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy and Postpartum?

Описание к видео SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy and Postpartum?

Does your pregnant or postpartum client have SI joint pain?

Check out this at-home exercise I came up with to help give them some relief! All they need is a recliner of any kind. In a pinch, they can use their opposite leg to act as resistance, but this isn’t my favorite. Finding exercises that work for 9 months pregnant can be challenging!

We are going to be focusing on the hamstring to pull on the ischial tuberosity and alleviate stress on the SI joint. You will have to help your client figure out which leg they should be focusing on for relief.

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👩🏻‍🏫 Check out our CEU courses on the Pelvis for Health and Fitness Professionals:

👩🏻‍💻 PCES - Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

👩🏻‍💻 Pelvis Pro

00:00 Intro

00:19 Recliner Hamstring Exercise

01:54 Pubic Symphysis Pain

02:15 Summary


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