"Baby Grand" - by Billy Joel, ft. Ray Charles - (cover)

Описание к видео "Baby Grand" - by Billy Joel, ft. Ray Charles - (cover)

Out of all the songs in Billy Joel's expansive catalog, this is probably the bluesiest and most underappreciated of them all. Written in 1986 as a duet with Joel's idol, Ray Charles, it is an ode to the piano and the relationship it can have with it's players. It might be a little on the cheesy side, but it could be worse. I like what the Atlanta Journal Constitution said in its original review of the song: "Sure it's a little schmaltzy and overwrought, but compared to Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney's 'Ebony and Ivory,' it's practically High Art."
For me, this song is about more than just this particular baby grand, which I've only had for about a year. It's about every piano I've ever played, and by extension, music in general. All things considered, it's the one constant thing in my life that I can always depend on.


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